Contains beautifull gears animation as well as local time clock. Try it now!
To has all options enabled - please upgrade or install full version.
Full version options:
- 2 THEMES ( clock faces)!
- 3 clock ( World time clock)
- World time clock - you can set up any time you want, using worldtime option
- Clock signing option ( use it to sign clock faces e.g. Home or London, New York, Berlin etc. world time)
- Animated gears
- Animated chains
- Speed options
- Mooving cam reflection
- Animated magic dust
- Scroll option
- Parallax effect
- Best performance
- Weather forecast:
- Accurate weather forecast with:
* Current weaterh state
* Feels like parameter
* Humidity
* Wind speed and direction
Developer website:
Accurate weather forecast is provided by - Professional weather forecast.
要启用所有选项 - 请升级或安装完整版。
- 2个主题(钟面)!
- 3个时钟(世界时钟)
- 世界时间 - 您可以使用世界时间选项随时设置
- 时钟签名选项(用于签署钟面,例如Home或London,New York,Berlin等世界时间)
- 动画齿轮
- 动画链
- 速度选项
- 移动凸轮反射
- 动画魔法尘埃
- 滚动选项
- 视差效应
- 最棒的表演
- 天气预报:
- 准确的天气预报:
Oplao.com提供准确的天气预报。 - 专业的天气预报。